GATE : How to prepare (tips)

This write up is trying to answer 'How to prepare for GATE ? '

So, here are some important tips from my side which can help you for better study.

1) There are two important thing you need to know before starting your preparation for any exams.
First one is proper syllabus. You can have printed copy of syllabus.
You can paste this printed copy on somewhere, where you can see it easily anytime you want during starting of any topic. Before starting any topic from any book, please see syllabus first, and think under which topic or chapter this is going to help me.

Second important thing is, from where you have to study each topic and at how depth you have to study each topic.
There are many topics in every exams,  from where majority of questions were asked.
You can refer previous year paper analysis for that. You can see previous year questions, so that you can expect what kind of questions and at what depth you have to prepare. You can make list of important topics for exams which you have to cover.

2) You will attempt GATE in online mode. That is fixed and you can not change that. So try to avoid other mode of exams for practice. Say don't go with pen and paper for MCQs.

3) Use only GATE virtual calculator only, during practice of solving questions. Don't think it doesn't matter.  You will know importance of it when your paper will tough and you will be panic. If you had habit of calculations on GATE virtual calculator, you can save time on Dooms day of GATE exam.
Know your GATE virtual calculator completely before starting preparation. Don't think in that way that, you know basic command in this calculator and that's it. Know full functions of this calculator to calculate lengthy calculations easily during exam.
See this for offline virtual key board. GATE virtual calculator.

4) Buy several kit of notebook for ruff work. Size of ruff work and how you use your ruff work sheet is also matter. Number each question before solving. This is needed during exam also, you will have questions in computers and solutions in paper sheet. For connecting both you will need this. Try to habitualize it from day one of preparation. Try to avoid calculation in lengthy way. Utilise GATE 2020 calculator.

5) Gate will focus more on concepts rather than any other things for theory portions. So try to clear basics very well. 
Gate will have some memory type questions also, but it will be less. You can link the basics concepts for remembering purpose.

6) Almost more than 50 percent is covered in numericals. So try to find numericals and solve it with help of digital GATE virtual calculator.

7) Take at least 2 or 3 test series for practice your question, answer and exam skills. Don't bother for getting good marks in online test series. Try to habitualise yourself with GATE exam environment. Like before one or two month you will know your gate exam specific time. Eg. If you have exam time 9 to 12, then give all full syllabus tests on that time only. It will make your mind setup clear during your final exam day. It will habitulise your mind for that day. You will not feel dull or nervous on that day if your mind is ready for all other things and on Dooms day you just have to focus on getting answers only.

8) Try to avoid minor mistakes. During giving online tests from test series, try to find out your minor mistakes from which you have errors. Eg. Typing errors, reading errors. Try to minimize it. Improve your self. Don't focus more on getting good marks in test series. Try to improve your self for final day.
Accuracy is big thing, for achieving good gate score.
Gate looks for accuracy more.

9) Try to finish one chapter of syllabus first and then give online exams for that chapter from one of test series. Complete all the chapters like this manner. 
After completing all chapters, you can revise all chapters and then give online tests for each chapter just after revision. It will increase your confidence in each chapter.

10) Revise important chapter firsts. And make notes during revision. You will have more time when you are reading any topic first time. But while you are revising, you will require less time to read. So, try to make notes while revising. It will help in your quick revision.

11) Make one or two paper of formula sheet. Write down formulas which are very very important for your exam in that. Try to see it once a day daily, start doing it from two weeks before final exam day.

12) you can have at least 2 test series for practice. Manage in such way that, Your friends  can have another 2 test series from another website. So you can exchange and see quetions answers if time permits.

13) Start reading from important chapters first. It will relax your mind if you had done most important part earlier and now you have to cover only minority part. But don't be lazy in covering less important part, because that is part from were GATE had not asked yet.

14) If you are just starting, and want initiation, go on YouTube and search online for topics of gate. Many youtube channels provide good to very good video lectures for many topics. You can see videos from popular sites during your free time also. It will revise and enhance your knowledge with previous gate questions.

15) Search out, if any your topic or chapter is part of another stream's GATE Syllabus or not. Eg. Heat exchangers are part of more than two gate streams. So you can have guidance for preparation from your friends from other engineering streams and you can have GATE questions from their GATE questions paper also for practice. You can expect similar kind of questions in your stream also.

16) Don't forget about mathematics portion of gate. Don't take it lightly. It is key to get good score. Practice maths on daily basis. Find and solve gate material from made easy. It is ready made material for mathematics of GATE.

17) Try to practice and solve aptitude part as much as you can. You can solve it from any branch previous year gate questions. You can see, learn, practise mathematics and aptitude from youtube gate channels. It will be learn with fun experience.

18)  Read the question carefully from day one. Make practice of it. GATE will try to trick you by questions. Read question in two or more parts. Every word in question is important. Read it carefully.
19) Before finally submitting answer, check whether your entered answer is compatible with whatever asked. Eg. If question demands answer within 2 decimal points, then give answer in two decimal point only.

20) In NAT questions, if you don't know method to solve, then you can guess answer. Just say if some one asking you positive prime number less than 10 and you don't know answer, but you have given range in question itself. You can atleast write any number between 1 to 10. Don't leave NAT questions blank.
Atleast type or answer the NAT questions based on range of thing asked in quetion.
Think logically when you don't know method to solve.

21) For MCQs, follow elimination process if you don't know answer directly. But this is more or less risky, because it is having negatieve markings. So, guess if you are sure enough.

If you are PE GATE student and looking for how to start preparation during first or second years, then you can visit this link for guidance.

All the best to all GATE aspirants.
Do your best. Enjoy your way to good AIR ranks.

Best wishes.


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  1. please create a blog regarding pumps and compressors with formulas and concepts in accordance with the gate exam.
    thank you

    1. We will surely do it. thank you for participation. we have created this in mean time
      more will come.


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