How to deal with MCQs in GATE ?

Gate paper is having two type of questions.
1) MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)
2) NAT (Numerical Answer Type)

In GATE, it is important how you deal with your MCQs because it is questions where you can lose your earned marks also. This queries carries negative markings, so be careful before answering.

These are tips to solve MCQs in GATE only.

1) If you know the answer correctly, then check validity of your answer. If time permits, then recheck calculations because if you are wrong somewhere then you will lose both, your efforts with time and marks also.

2) If you don't know answer, then don't guess blindly. Just follow these steps.
i) Try to eliminate options.
ii) If you can eliminate more than two options, then and only go with blind guess. If you can't eliminate two options from four, then don't attempt questions.

3) If you don't know method to solve, then take conditions given in question and try if you can eliminate any of options which doesn't follow condition given in questions.
Many times it helps to solve very difficult questions also.
Your final answer matters. In MCQs, your final answer matters more than process. 
Even sometimes In two marks MCQs also, this works.

4) Try to attend match the following type questions. spend time with this type of questions, because in this type of questions if you know even only one matching correctly, then also you can apply option elimination or final answer.

All the best to GATE aspirants.


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