How to attempt NAT questions in GATE ?

Gate paper is having two type of questions.
1) MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)
2) NAT (Numerical Answer Type)

GATE is having good portions of questions in NAT sections. To get a good score it is important to know how to tackle with NAT questions. You can not win with only answering Multiple Choice Questions.

Here are tips for NAT questions.

1) In NAT questions, if you don't know method to solve, then try to guess answer. Try to guess answer in logical manner with smart way. 
Just say if some one asking you positive prime number less than 10 and you don't know answer, but you have given range in question itself. You can atleast write any number between 1 to 10.

2) Atleast type/answer the NAT questions based on logical range of thing asked in quetion.
Eg. If they are asking probability of something then you know basic thing it will be in between 0 to 1. Then you have range in which you can answer. Next step is, look at question and try to guess whether it will be more than any number, say (0.50 or 0.75) then decide what you will answer.
So, Think logically when you don't know method to solve.
Your final answer will matter only. 

3) Never leave NAT questions blank. It is portion where there is no negative markings. So, don't leave it blank. Try guess and fill for all NAT questions answers from first attempt of paper.

4) After giving answer, make sure that you wrote answer in correct specification asked.
Eg. If they are asking in percentage, then verify it after answering. like if your final answer is 0.75 which is 75 percentage after conversion, then make sure that you write 75 and not 0.75 in hurry.

5) Make sure how much precision is asked in quetion.
If they asked till two decimal points, then make sure your typed answer should follow it.

6) Try to minimize lengthy calculations. It will have more errors if you follow lengthy calculations with more steps.
Try to do most of part of lengthy calculation in gate virtual calculator only.

7) During you home online test series, based on your mind setup, decide earlier, which portion you will attempt first (( MCQs or NAT) & ( 1 marks or 2 marks)) During exam.
Decide based on your accuracy in each combinations.

All the best for GATE.


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