
PE GATE Syllabus : Petroleum Subjects

Petroleum Exploration:  Classification and description of some common rocks with special reference to clastic and nonclastic reservoir rocks.  Origin, migration and accumulation of Petroleum.  Petroleum exploration methods.  Oil and Gas Well Drilling Technology:  Well planning.  Drilling method.  Drilling rigs Rig operating systems.  Drilling fluids function and properties.  Drilling fluid maintenance equipment.  Oil & gas well cementing operations.  Drill bit types and their applications.  Drill string & Casing string  function,  operations,  selection & design.  Drilling problems, their control & remedies.  Directional drilling tools.  Directional survey.  Application of horizontal, multilateral, extended reach, slim wells.  Reservoir Engineering:  Petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks.  Coring and core analysis.  Reservoir fluid properties.  Phase behavior of hydrocarbon system.  Flow of fluids through porous media.  Water and gas coning.  Reservoir pressure me

PE gate : Aptitude

Verbal Ability:   English grammar,  sentence completion,  verbal analogies,  word groups,  instructions,  critical reasoning and  verbal deduction.  Numerical Ability:   Numerical computation,  numerical estimation,  numerical reasoning and data interpretation    Click on icons to follow Us.

PE GATE Syllabus : Mathemaics

Mathematics Petroleum Engineering GATE syllabus Linear Algebra:  Matrix algebra,  Systems of linear equations,  Eigen values and eigenvectors.  Calculus:  Functions of single variable,  Limit, continuity and differentiability,  Taylor series,  Mean value theorems,  Evaluation of definite and improper integrals,  Partial derivatives,  Total derivative,  Maxima and minima,  Gradient, Divergence and Curl,  Vector identities,  Directional derivatives,  Line, Surface and Volume integrals,  Stokes, Gauss and Green’stheorems.  Differential equations:  First order equations (linear and nonlinear),  Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients,  Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations,  Initial and boundary value problems,  Laplace transforms,  Solutions of one dimensional heat and wave equations and Laplace equation.  Complex variables:  Complex number,  polar form of complex  number, triangle inequality.  Probability and Statistics:  Definitions of probability and sampling the

Graph explaination : Klickenberg Effect

At infinite average or mean pressure, gas molecules will be as closer as liquid, So gases will behave like liquids at higher mean pressure. So, high mean pressure means less inverse of mean pressure (1/Pm). So, at zero inverse pressure, there should be minimum absolute permeability.amd that's callled liquid permeability. So, according to klinkenberg, it follows straight line rule and we can express it like, Gas permeability = liquid permeability *(1 + (b/Pm)) Pm is mean pressure. So, at infinity mean pressure, (zero inverse mean pressure), Gas permeability is equal to liquid permeability. Now, in lab, we can not go for infinitiy pressue (zero inverse pressure),so we obtain data which are possible (shown in continuous line in graph) and as we know it is straight line, we extrapolate it to zero inverse of mean pressure. (Intercept of line). And get liquid or Absolute  Permeability of that rock. For low molecular weight gases, it will be easier to slip through pores that's why the

PE GATE : ESP introduction

Imagine, you are a Petroleum reservoir and you are giving oil to the several oil wells. You are giving oil to all wells with lot of energy. After some time, you might be feel like, your energy is draining. Your energy is reducing with reducing fluid content from yourself. Like you are depleting along with your energy (pressure of reservoir is depleting.) So, earlier you were delivering fluid to the surface, but as of now, you do not have sufficient energy to lift it to the surface of well. So, you will deliver fluid to the level at which your energy permits. Right ? Suppose, we have well of 10000 ft depth, and you can now only lift your fluid to only 5000 ft only. So,  How this fluid will cover remaining 5000 ft of distance ? Any idea ? (Hint for you, it will be helpful if some one else can do your help, to lift that fluid from you.) And that lifting help is called Artificial lift. Now think, how can we lift fluid from bottom to surface ? Easiest way we can visualise is, if we have any

What to study in PE Production ?

1)  Formation damage. I concluded all things, which i merged during my GATE preparation in this link in easy language. ( Formation damage. ) 2)  Well stimulation techniques.   Basics of well stimulations. Mainly two techniques, Hydraulic Fracturing and Acidization. Hydraulic fracturing: Basics Process  Proppants Additives of fluid Mini frac test Leak off test Acidization: Matrix acidization : Basics  , Acid used, Acid additives. Acid fracturing, Difference between all 3 types of acid jobs. Selection Criteria for Well stimulaton , Difference between workover and well stimulation. Numericals:  Acid volume required during Matrix Acidization.  Rock stress strain relations, poision ratio.(No correlations).      2) Artificial lift techniques.  This is vast topic which includes Sucker rod pumping, Gas lift, Electrical submersible pumping, Hydraulic pump, plunger lift etc. You will have PPTs from college. Start from there. I entirely depends on my college notes for theory portion of Artificial

PE GATE : Pump, Compressor and Turbine : Basic difference

Here is straight forward points, which discriminate Pump, Compressors and Turbine. Turbine : It Withdraws Energy from Fluids. Fluid energy is converted into mechanical energy, and then to electrical energy. Pumps: Used for Liquids (Incompressible Fluids) Generally. It imparts Energy to Fluids. Increase the kinetic energy of the fluid which further increases the pressure energy . While transferring or sending or moving the fluid the volume remains constant from inlet or outlet. pumps are designed to develop relatively little pressure against a free-flowing system with minimal backpressure. Cheaper than Compressors. No storage of fluids before and after pumping. Compressors: Used generally for Gases (Compressible Fluids). Can not be used for Liquids (Liquids has very less Compressibility) It imparts Energy to Fluids. Increase the potential energy by pressuring gases in smaller volume. In compressor the inlet and outlet is different that means the volume does not remain constant. Compress