PE GATE : Pump, Compressor and Turbine : Basic difference

Here is straight forward points, which discriminate Pump, Compressors and Turbine.

Turbine :
It Withdraws Energy from Fluids.
Fluid energy is converted into mechanical energy, and then to electrical energy.

Used for Liquids (Incompressible Fluids) Generally.
It imparts Energy to Fluids.
Increase the kinetic energy of the fluid which further increases the pressure energy.
While transferring or sending or moving the fluid the volume remains constant from inlet or outlet.
pumps are designed to develop relatively little pressure against a free-flowing system with minimal backpressure.
Cheaper than Compressors.
No storage of fluids before and after pumping.

Used generally for Gases (Compressible Fluids).
Can not be used for Liquids (Liquids has very less Compressibility)
It imparts Energy to Fluids.
Increase the potential energy by pressuring gases in smaller volume.
In compressor the inlet and outlet is different that means the volume does not remain constant.
Compressors are intended to develop a very high pressure rise against a closed system
It converts Mechanical energy into fluid energy.
Costlier than Pumps.
Storage of fluids before and after compression.


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