What to study in PE Production ?

I concluded all things, which i merged during my GATE preparation in this link in easy language. (Formation damage.)

Mainly two techniques, Hydraulic Fracturing and Acidization.

Hydraulic fracturing:
Additives of fluid
Mini frac test
Leak off test

Matrix acidization : Basics , Acid used, Acid additives.

 Acid volume required during Matrix Acidization. 
Rock stress strain relations, poision ratio.(No correlations).

2) Artificial lift techniques. 
This is vast topic which includes Sucker rod pumping, Gas lift, Electrical submersible pumping, Hydraulic pump, plunger lift etc.
You will have PPTs from college. Start from there. I entirely depends on my college notes for theory portion of Artificial lift techniques.
For Numericals, You can have Buon Guo. (Sucker rod load calculations (MPRL, PPRL, Torque etc..)

All parts
Types of pumping units, nomenclature.
Sub surface pump types.
Dyna cards.
Load calculations

Gas lifts
Gas lift valves, types.
Type of gas lifts
Unloading mechanisms
Surface facilities requirements
Numerical: Gas lift valve opening closing pressure, spread of valves, tubing factor etc.

Basic parts
Depth of esp installation, Head and number of stages calculation.
Esp problem solution cards. (Volt vs time graphs)

Hydraulic pumping.
Jet pumping (Venturi principle)

Plunger lift.

3) Field processing of oil & Field processing gas.

i) Separators: from Sanjay Kumar book. if you don't want to go and read theory for that, i have made online notes on it in this link. You can see it from here. (Separators from, Sanjay Kumar).

Numericals on Stage Separation, Particle size for separation process, slenderness ratio, effective length of separator, length and height design for separators.

ii) X mas tree. (Follow link: X mas tree)
About chokes. Choke equations.

iii) Heater Treaters (Follow link: Heater Treaters)

iv) Desalter

V) Oil and gas storage tanks

Vi) Basic gas treatments and its catalyst.

4) Shell and tube heat exchangers
Numericals : from Previous year GATE questions from other branches. (LMTD, heat laws, etc..)

5) Well Equipments 
(Packers, Flow control devices, safety valves)
Landing nipples, wireline entry guide, tubing.

6) Production system analysis & optimization.     Nodal system analysis. 

7) Multiphase flow in tubing (vertical)

And multiphase flow in flow-lines (Horizontal)

8) Flow measurements
Venturi meter, positive displacement metres, rotary metres, variable area metre

9) Pumps and compressors.
Positive displacement pumps
Centrifugal pumps
Types of compressions (polytropic, isentropic, adiabatic)
Compressor types

NPSH, power, Working cycle, clearance volume, swept volume, sweep efficiency and, total efficiency etc...
Three types of compressions (equations)/(polytropic, isentropic, adiabatic)


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