SRP : Air balanced

This is not a conventional Sucker Rod Pumping unit. This is special type of Pumping unit which is, Air balanced SRP.

The air-balanced unit is a *rear mounted, class III lever system with Air Counter balance machine first built by Lufkin in early 1950’s.  

(*Gear reducer and all accessories will be mounted at rear side of SRP).

This machine uses the pitman to both push the walking beam up and pull the beam down to make a pumping cycle.

The air-balanced unit uses an air tank fitted with an opened ended cylinder and piston to counterbalance the pumping unit. On the down stroke, air in the tank is further compressed thus storing energy in the compressed air.  Then on the up stroke the stored air energy is used to help lift part of the rod and fluid load.

The piston uses piston rings to seal a pool of oil on top of the piston.  The pool of oil, in turn, seals the air from escaping from the tank and lubricates the piston/cylinder interface.


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