How to start preparation for GATE ?

If You are in second year or first year pass out, than it is very very great time to start your GATE preparation.
This write up is specially for that students only who want to start their preparation from scratch.

So, here is basic things listed you can follow for better results.

1) know your exam properly. In which you have to cover, 

!) Syllabus of exam : Download recent syllabus of exam. Make print out of that, and paste it to your study table or on your notepad. And make oneline pdf. If you want, then you can copy paste your syllabus in word also, with tick mark options, so that you will know anytime, how many topics are done, and how many are still pending.

!!) See previous year questions first. Try to solve them. First of all, try to solve questions of topics which you already know. (Like, topics studied anywhere, in classroom semesters or workshops..Etc.) 
Try if you can solve it. If you are unable to solve single questions, it's okay. You are just starting. And if you can solve one or two or more, that is also good. 
Try to analyse which topics are important. Which kind of questions GATE is asking. Prepare recent trends in your mind, how GATE asks simple as well as difficult questions.

!!!) Learn GATE online virtual calculator. You can learn by visiting this link. Click here.
During all the time, when you are solving questions answers, try to solve on GATE calculator.

!v) Divide your syllabus into parts.
(To see examples, click here).
 Look for your college syllabus. Try to note, when you will have GATE topics as your college curriculum.
When you have topics in your college curriculum (like, when you have formation evaluation or well logging as your college subject), then,

|) See questions from that topics asked in GATE PE or even in GATE of geophysicist.
||) Try to solve questions.
|||) Make notes of formulas and basic of theory in your words. It will help you to revise during your college as well as GATE exam time. (for how to make notes, check this.)
|V) Clear all questions of previous year gate during
V) Read standard books along with Ppts provided by your faculties.
V|) For referring and getting standard books, you can see toppers strategy.

2) Cover Engineering mathematics and aptitude portion first. you have enough knowledge of it after completing second year of college.
Refer previous year GATE question papers for it. You can refer GATE Maths and aptitude from any of GATE branches. it is prefered to refer it from ME or CE branch. you can refer GATE MADE EASY books for it.
Make notes of formulas which are important for GATE. (don't forgot to see syllabus.)
prepare for that portions only, which is in syllabus.

3) Highlight important things while reading books or ppts. It will save your time when you will revise things before exams.

4) Don't think that, your online timings or phone timings can't improve your study. All you have to do is, change your preferences. Like,
|) Follow facebook pages for GATE PE.
||) Follow youtube channels which are related to petroleum upstream engineering.
|||) Read blogs about GATE and preparation and strategy.
this will be fun with learn experience for you.

5) Share your knowledge with your friends, it will clear your doubts also many times.
And ask your friends, if you stuck anywhere during any part if topics.
It will enhance both of you.

6) Make sure that, you complete whole syllabus before GATE exam. Just tick mark whatever you have done so that you can easily identify your progress.


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