How to make Notes effectively ?

If you are starting from second or third year of your college, then you can do very well with making notes which are effective during your life time.

Here are some tips, which can help you to make notes effectively.

1) Try to make separate notes for each topics.
Eg. Make separate notebook for major chapters, like one notebook for reservoir engineering, one for drilling, separate for Production engineering.
Divide majority of topics in two parts. theory and numericals.

2) Try to complete whole topic before starting of making notes. so while making notes, you will find many things interrelated if you know topic completely. 

3) Write on your words so that, whenever you will revise it, you can easily understand it with less time.

4) Make notes of tough problems after basic parts and revise it. try to have one problem with solution for each kind of questions.

5) Try to attach print out of some important and effective diagrams or photos.
sometimes, a photo is more worthy than two or three page write ups.
(To see Collection of this kind of photos, See this link.)


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