
Separation principles part 3.

For part one of separation principles click here . For part two of separation principles click here .   Imagine, you are going by highway with super speed. You will definitely enjoy the ride. Now, imagine you have same car or bike and same speed, but you are going through bust trafic. Then ? What will happen ? You will hit your vehicle with someone or something ? Then after colliding, what ? Your speed will be reduced ?  Yes.   One more questions, of you have to run with 10 kg weight and 1 kg weight, what will be more energy consuming ? From answer of this two questions, we can have one more separation technique, Which is separation by reduction in momentum. Yes. When liquid droplets are carried out along with gas (actually high velocity gas streams, like speedy car), we put restrictions in his straight path, so that it will collide with baffles (restrictions) and lose its energy. So, here also, heavier oil particle loses its energy earlier and gas tends to as it is. So, after losing i

Separation principles part 2

Image is taken from For concepts and calculation of gravity separation, see part one of separator principles. To understand another principle of separation of fluids, let's have same question. What you will do apart from gravity separation to separate both fluids which is gas and liquid from mixture ? As hint, you can take, Angular acceleration = square of ( angular velocity)*(radius) .....(first equation) And, Centrifugal Force = (mass)* (angular acceleration). .....(2nd equation). If you have same force, then, angular acceleration will be inversely proportional to mass....(see 2nd equation). And square of angular velocity is inversly proportional to radius. (See first equation). So, More radius, means less angular velocity and it further means higher the mass. So, in simple language, Higher the mass, far particle will be from centre of centrifugal motion line. So, if we apply centrifugal force to our fluid mixture in a vessel or container, Then heavier particles (of

Separation principles with basic calculations part 1

Typical Vertical Separator Imagine, you have mixture of two fluids, How will you separate them as efficiently as possible ? First thing come into mind for separation of two fluids is, let them to be settle by themselves first. Put mixture into some box or vessel, it may happen both will separate by themselves. Can it be happen ? Yes, ot can be happen, if both of our fluids are immiscible, than it can be settle if we allow them to be set in any disturbance free environment. In no agitation mode, they can settle with help of gravity. Heavier fluid will go down due to its higher mass (here we consider same volume of both fluids). So, we can say, high dense fluid will be settle down to lower part of vessel. That is basically Gravity separation . Same principle applies to separate oil and gas also. In certain pressure temperature conditions, when oil and gas mixture (which comes from wells) allowed to settle for fix timings, then gas (less dense or lesser mass) fluid occupies upper portion

Kutch Diaries

Kutch trip After graduating from college, we all miss golden days of college. College life, Friends, faculties. and in case of a SPTian, memories are like, College lectures, Assignments, Final year project via, Exams, results, Grades, Idiom nights, college festivals and Specially, Kutch trip. All SPTians, have great time once during college life experience, when they had Geological and exploration trip to kutch. It is a lifetime experience for all students of SPT. 10 days of life with less luxuries but total interaction with nature along with a full on life experience. From Narayan sarovar to Mata no madh, from lakhpat to Mandvi, From Ganthiya to kutchi Dabeli, From sleep at 10 to last night Bonfire, hope all SPTians had enjoyed all of this with joy. From Narayan Sarovar Tent house experience We all went through handy measurements of so many of dip and strikes, Collected many best rock samples, Seen so many of fossils from lakhpat, experienced ripples and waves of mandvi, seen coals fr

Difference between Artificial lift , Well stimulation and EOR

Artificial lift :  Energy is provided in external from to fluid , to come out of from   bottom of wellbore to the surface. We do modification in, well bore or tubing part for installation and working of artificial lift. So, we deal with tubing part only. By modification in tubing part, we try to decrease or move down outflow performance relation ship. (OPR). (Node is considered as bottom of well). Fluid movement is inside tubing which is generally, vertical flow . So, it's totally mechanical thing. Well Stimulation:  Here, Energy is not provided to formation to modify it's properties.  We try to remove restriction to flow by modification in formation properties. So, we deal with reservoir or near well bore formation only. Means here, we improve condition for flow rather than increasing energy to flow. By stimulating well, we try to modify or increase inflow performance relation ship curve. (IPR) upside. (Node is considered as bottom of well) Here, we are trying to easy tran

Acid Wash, Matrix Acidization and Acid fracturing treatment

What is difference between Acid Wash, Matrix Acidization and Acid fracturing treatment ? Acid Wash, Matrix Acidization and Acid fracturing treatment all are treatments which involve injection of acid into well bore. In Acid wash treatment we inject Acid for clean up (wax or paraffin di position) of tubing and perforation only. So, small volume of acid is used in Acid washing treatments. In matrix Acidization treatments, we use sufficient amount of acid volume so that it can clear clogged pores of reservoir rock (or remove formation damage) near well bore area/till some area near well bore. So, matrix acidizing is used to restore permeability lr productivity. It is used more over in sandstone reservoirs. In Acid fracturing treatment, we inject acid at higher pressure than fracture pressure of formation. So, it will initiate fracturing of reservoir rock. After fracturing of rock also, we inject acid so that acid can itch the created fracture and acid can penetrate more inside reservoir f

Separators : Comparison

Type of Separators: l) Vertical Separators 2) Horizontal Separators 3) Spherical separators l) Vertical Separators: *Can handle relatively, large liquid slugs, *Better surge control, *Used for low to intermediate gas-oil ratio (GOR) wells (less gas, larger liquid portion) /(has larger gas section), *Can handle more sand (Due to false bottom cone), *Liquid level control is not as critical, *Tendency of the liquid to revaporize is also minimized, because less surface area is available to the liquid for evaporation, *Occupies less floor space (important for offshore use). *More expensive to fabricate and transport to location, *A vertical separator for the same capacity is usually larger than a horizontal separator. 2) Horizontal Separators: *Much greater gas-liquid interface area, permitting higher gas or fluid velocities, *Can handle large gas volumes, *Cheaper to fabricate and ship, install and service, *Minimum turbulence and foaming, (so, can handle high GOR wells ) *For a given cap