
Formation Damage part 2

A Formation can be damaged mainly while one of following activities (ordered in timely manner). 1) During Drilling and Completions  (click to see) 2) During and after production and workover operations 3) During Injection  Formation Damage Mechanisms: 2) During  and after production and workover operations. This kind of formation damage is divided into following types. 1) Due to increase in relative permeability of fluid other than desired fluid. 2) Due to viscosity increase 3) Due to precipitations. 1) Due to increase in relative permeability of  fluid other than desired fluid: Imagine, you are left with 1 GB of internet with your plan and you are sharing it with your friend with help of wifi. You are surfing at your normal speed, but your new friend is watching movie online What will happen ? You will be not able to surf more time ?  Same thing happened in reservoir also. We want more oil flow for More time, but other fluids (water, gas) block path of oil flow and results into less o

Separators Part 1

Field processing of natural gas includes:  1. Gas and liquid separation operations to remove the free liquids crude oil, hydrocarbon condensate, and water, and the entrained solids.  2. Recovery of condensable hydrocarbon vapors. Stage separation, or low temperature separation techniques are used.  3. Further cleaning of the gas and oil streams after separation.  4. Gas dehydration processing to remove from the gas condensable water vapor that may lead to the formation of hydrates under certain conditions.  5. Removal of contaminants or otherwise undesirable components, such as hydrogen sulfide and other corrosive sulfur compounds, and carbon dioxide. Separation Equipments: To efficiently perform its separation functions, a well designed separator must, 1. Control and dissipate the energy of the wellstream as it enters the separator. and provide low enough gas and liquid velocities for proper gravity segregation and vapor-liquid equilibrium. For this purpose, a tangential inlet to impa

Petroleum Production GATE syllabus

This is Petroleum Production GATE syllabus.  If you want to read it in theoretical sequence, then you can read it in following sequence. 1) Well Equipments, Well completion techniques.   2)  Formation damage.        Well stimulation techniques. 3) Well production problems and mitigation.      Well servicing & Workover operations.        Workover & completion fluids.   4) Artificial lift techniques.  5) Field processing of oil & gas.      Metering and measurements oil & gas.      Storage and transportation of petroleum and petroleum products.  6) Multiphase flow in tubing and flow-lines.      Production testing.  7) Production system analysis & optimization.      Nodal system analysis.  8) Pressure vessels, storage tanks, shell and tube heat exchangers, pumps and compressors, LNG value chain. If you want to read it in GATE mark vise importance, then you can read it in following sequence. 1)  Formation damage.       Well stimulation techniques. 2) Artificial lift tech

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(this post will be always under construction, things will be added) You can read post of this blog in this sequence/manner. Just click on link or title below to read post. How to start GATE PE preparation How to make notes GATE : How to prepare (tips) Gate virtual calcualtor How to attempt NAT questions in GATE ? How to deal with MCQs in GATE ? Petroleum Production GATE syllabus Images : petroleum exploration (Theory) Images : petroleum exploration (Numericals) Basics differences between porosity and permeability Formation Damage part 1 Formation Damage part 2 Formation damage part 3 Formation damage part 4 Workover, Well Intervention and Well Stimulatio n Well Stimulation Difference between artifical lift, well stimulation and EOR. Acid wash, matrix matrix acidization and acid fracturing . Xmas tree . Separators introduction part 1 Separators : comparison Separation principles part 1  separation principles part 2 separation principles part 3 Separation principles part 4 Important comp

Workover, Well Intervention and Well Stimulation

Image referred from Internet What is basic difference between Workover, Well intervention and Well stimulation ? Work over is operations of repair and maintenance of well which requires Work over rig or drilling rig or hydraulic work over units. So, it is term used to describe heavy well maintenance or repairing works. X mas tree is removed and BOP is installed for workover or well service processes. It is not performed on live wells.(well needs to be killed to perform work over operations) Work over operations : 1) Water shutt off 2) Gas shutt off 3) Servicing 4) Fishing  5) Recompeltion 4) Layer transfer 5) Profile modification in injection wells 6) Well deepening 7) Side tracking 8) Long drift side track (LDST) 9) Short drift side track (SDST) 10) Well abandonment and Plugging Well interventions is term, which is used to describe operations, which doesn't involve rig. So, it is Rigless operation. So, it is term used for, light duty works of well repair and maintenance. It is pe

Formation Damage part 1

Formation Damage  Part 1 Definition: Formation damage is impairment or resistance to fluid flow from or to Reservoir (Formation) near the wellbore area.(vicinity of wellbore). So, it’s a process . If formation is damaged, we cannot produce or inject fluid at predicted or desired rate. Formation can be damaged mainly while one of following activities (ordered in timely manner). 1) During Drilling and Completions 2) During and after production and workover operations 3) During Injection   Formation Damage Mechanisms: 1)  During Drilling and Completions We start from drilling activities which result into formation damage. First is Selection of Drilling fluids and its effects. Drilling fluids are part and heart system of Drilling activities.  When drilling fluids come into contact with Formation, many changes occurs to reservoir rock and to fluid also (here two different things are going to get into contact, so its natural to happen something). Whole drilling fluid is unable to go into for