What is Well Stimulation

To get rid of any problem in life, there is always two ways. One you research your problem, find root cause of problem and remove the root cause and second is, Ingore the problem and perform more better with alternative ideas or innovations.
Let's say, you are always late for your office or school, that's problem. And you investigate that it's because of trafic signal delay on your way to office or school. Then you can have two ways. One, You can make your plan accordingly so that you will not arrive at red signal while crossing signal and other one is you change the route of your travel. Here first one is removing root cause and later one is Ignoring problem and finding other way 
 Same thing happen in our reservoir and production engineering also. When problem of formation damage occurs, there are to ways to get rid of it.

One is removing original problem after finding why our formation is damaged. In this method, we use technique like Matrix acidization which removes the blockage of pores and removes the skin or formation damage near well bore area. It removes restrictions present inside pores. So after treatment it will restore formation as it was earlier before production. So it can increase production maximum till original initial production rate.

Other one method is, bypassing the damaged zone like Hydraulic fracturing technique, which involves fracturing rock to induce alternative flow pathways for problem solving. So, it can increase permeability of near well bore region more than original permeability also.
So, hydraulic fracturing can also increase production more than actual intial production.

Both methods are termed as Well stimulation techniques.
So, by defination, 
Well stimulation is removal or bypassing the formation damage to restore or enhance the permeability near the wellbore area.

Yes, well stimulation techniques are affecting only near wellbore area only.


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